Monday, September 28, 2009

Three or More...

Hey guys,
So, Chapter 14 of Natalie was just put up yesterday. I've gotten another review from Studentofwords who's eternal phrase is, "Update soon!" Studentofwords, I know you can write! I know you have thoughts! I've read your journal/story on fictionpress (I wrote frictionpress the first time, haha!)! I swear, we'll let you say more than two words! Not that I don't appreciate your input. You obviously like it, or you wouldn't ask for more. Thank you, thank you, thank you! But I would love to know what you think! I believe your thoughts are important! I believe everyone's thoughts are important! Come on guys! We do this to give encouragement and ideas and comments. So let's see 'em!
Anyway. I have to keep addressing this, I know I keep saying that I'm gonna finish 'Natalie' soon. I lied, I'm a big fat liar. Things are coming up, and coming to mind that I never thought would. I'm definately past the point where I know what's coming next. I think only in terms of what the next sentence is and I know the end. So, at this point, its more of how do I get to the end? I'm in no rush. Someone did ask me what my big hurry is. I'm not in a hurry to finish 'Natalie.' I'm taking my time. I'm more excited that I'm past the half-way point and I'm wrapping it up. And I'm excited to edit the full product. This is the first novel I've done that isn't completely handwriten first. I have written 'Natalie' fully on the computer, which I have to say makes me really nervous in case my computer crashes. But it hasn't and I pray it doesn't.
I left chapter fourteen in a cliffhanger, which is something I try to avoid. But I wanted to get this set up properly for what's coming next. There won't be any spoilers here, but Chapter fifteen is gonna be a big event chapter. Some tough shit is gonna go down.
I really am wrapping up 'Natalie.' No really, I swear I am. I really am in the last half and things are gonna start wrapping up. Then all my focus goes to Voices.

Okay, personal notes. Life is good, but it sucks. Does that make sense? Well, I'm cutting and depressed and et cetera. But I'm in therapy for it. I've found a great therapist, he's an awesome dude and I feel great after I see him.

Thats it for now!
Lizzie Arlen

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back to School

So, here I am back at college. Round two. It's me versus my depression and this time I vow to win. I went to see my wonderful counselor today for the first time since the school year started. For all of my 'Natalie' fans (who totally don't come here) this is the man that I (loosely) based Michael Ashby off of. He's a great guy and I always feel good after I see him, which is what I want for Natalie, so I've put her in that place. In the beginning I wanted to stick her, long term, with a bad therapist. But I thought that would just be too unfair. I put myself in her place and in that situation and I practically lose my faith in humanity. And that would go too far against what I want the moral themes in 'Natalie' to be.

I know I haven't updated much, and I apologize for that. I haven't been in much of a writing mood and I just moved back into college last weekend. But I plan to get back on track today, scheduling a little of my time to write each day, setting an hour aside. That's my hope.

Quite honestly, I don't have much to say. Not much has happened lately. I just wanted to give a quick update for anyone who actually reads this, which is probably nobody.

That's all folks!
Lizzie Arlen