Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blowing Off Work

So here I am. Blowing off my work as usual.

I have a Japanese paper due in two days, a psych exam in two days and a voice lesson tomorrow, which I have not practiced for as much as I should. (That I should probably work on. Dammit.) I just don't want to do any work. I'm tired (though I have no reason to be).

But I'm happy. I got to see Ben today. and I will see him five more days soon (Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, and Sun!) So really, all I have to do is get through the next two days and everything will be okay. I'm totally excited. Holy Week is an incredible week for me. It's quite possibly one of my favorite weeks in the world. No. It is.

I don't really have much to write, but I really wanted to give a quick write up on what's going on.

I'm reading a Jodi Picoult novel called "Change of Heart" that is quite incredible. This is officially the fourth Picoult novel I've read and I am quite enjoying it. She's written just about a million different books. It drives me totally nuts.

I'm listening to Oliver while I (sort of ) work on my paper. It's an incredible movie and I really want to read the book. My book list is getting incredibly long. I've given up on Great Expectations and Little Women (I just can't seem to get into them).

Well, I really ought to get back to what I'm supposed to be doing. Here's hoping I can actually achieve this undertaking. There's a lot of information just on court music, so I think I may focus in on that. Take a window on the subject, as it were.

Here's hoping all of your endeavors go well and much better than mine go.

Lizzie Arlen

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