Monday, April 27, 2009

Is It a Good Idea to Microwave This?

Hey guys.

So, I've been occuping all my extra time (spent avoiding the next Chapter of Natalie because of the nature of the things going into chapter 8) watching a show on youtube called Is It a Good Idea to Microwave this? Where they have, like, 500 episodes of microwaving random crap and seeing what happens. It's pretty funny if you have some time to blow. My favorite is Ivory soap, because it did not do what I thought it would.

I'm in the middle of reading Pride and Prejudice... and I have about a million books that I want to buy and read.
"The Luckiest Girl in the World" by Stevel Levenkron
"Girl With A Pearl Earring" by Tracy Chevalier
What I have dubbed "That Christopher Isherwood book" because I always forget the name
and "Girl, Interrupted" by Susanna Kayson
I don't know why exactly I feel the need to update the world on what's on my reading list, but why the hell not, right?

As for my writing, Chapter 8 of Natalie is underway, Razor Freak is slowly being written still (yeah, I'm not sure where its going or I'd put some up right now, because I definitly have enough for at least two chapters), Voices in My Head is currently on hold because I really want to get Natalie finished before I undergo a huge project. The rough draft of Voices in My head is completely done (also completely hand written), but it's something I wrote in my sophomore year of high school (and I'm almost beginning my sophomore year of college) it really needs some editing and a much different beginning. The first chapter that is up on my account at is almost completely new; there's a small tidbit from chapter four of the original (oddly enough) that was part of a flash back and just as soon as I'm finished with Natalie, that will be the next project I pick up.
There's where you can find all my stories, in case you found me through blogger instead of fictionpress.

Let's see...reading, writing, entertainment, I suppose I should cover my personal life.

I told my mom I had started cutting again and she yelled at me. I told Schyuler I didn't call her because I knew she would tell me off. She took it much better than my mother did. Yeah, they are definitely not people to call when I'm sad. They want to be supportive, but they care too much for my well being to care that I'm sad and yell at me for cutting instead. My person is awesome enough to not do that. She listens without judgement, thank God (or at least doesn't make me listen to her judgement).

I kind of felt like doing it yesterday, and I avoided it, so I assume that I will probably feel like doing it today too. So.

Well, I have to get to choir, so I'm gonna publish this and possibly update more later. And certainly much more often.
Lizzie Arlen


  1. I love "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?" - it's totally my favorite YouTube show ever.

    And I'm totally not biased or anything.

    - Jonathan Paula

  2. Wow. Definitely never crossed my mind that Jonathan Paula would ever see my blog. That's pretty damn awesome.

  3. thats cool! hey, do you guys have a list of everything microwaved and the microwave that did it? that would be cool.
