Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Writer's Block

Well. I finally moved up to Angela's room. It's about a million times better than living downstairs next to two absolute bitches. This is probably going to be very short, by the way, my non-existent readers/followers. There's so much space up here and I love it. Angela's great, the room is great.

However. I can't write. My one outlet when I'm really feeling low and nothing wants to come out. I know that I'm probably just trying way too hard, but this is what's happening. I have no inspiration. I have no motivation. I just hate not being able to put thoughts on paper. It absolutely and totally sucks. How many times can you use the word "blows" before it becomes obsolete? I'm there. That many times. Hopefully this will soon remedy itself. I'll keep you updated. It's kind of nice to pretend that I have a fan base. I know that I don't, but I like pretending that I do; it gives me a false sense of self confidence. I like that feeling. Plus I can pretend I'm sharing my feelings and crap with someone and that way if someone asks if I have, I can say yes and not feel too bad.

I still haven't found a song for my Uncle Wayne's memorial service and I don't know what I'll do because Amy is now out of town. I guess I'll have to ask Debbie, I know she's done a lot of that stuff, but I don't think she knows and I don't feel as comfortable talking to her about it. And God forbid, my mother actually be patient with me and wait for me to ask for it. Sigh. She thinks I won't do it, so she does it herself, which I hate. It's like, just give me five seconds and I'll get there!

Anyway. I just wanted to update and say that I was feeling better from two days ago and that life is awesome. I drew on my arm with a pen and now I need to wash it off before I see my mother tomorrow.

Stay safe and happy.
Lizzie Arlen

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