Monday, December 22, 2008

At Home, But Away From Home

Hello. Well, I managed to pick up a neighboring wireless connection in my house, so here I am. It is so nice to be on the internet in my home. My mother needs to realize that really, she is no longer part of the stone age and get some internet! It drives me crazy not to be able to check my email or anything. And yes, I can live without it, and I have, in fact lived without it. But now that I'm in college I keep getting emails like, "Extra Assignment" or "Lab Due Tuesday" or "Syllabus Update" and I'm really tired of getting them on Sunday night.
But now, I don't have to worry about that. Right now, it is Christmas break and for once we have a white Christmas. I hate it. Usually I love the snow, don't get me wrong, but this year we got so much of it that I've had to push the car out of the drive way three times so my mom could go to work or get to the grocery store. Plus. With all this snow, it is going to be hell on earth getting to my grandparent's house for Christmas. Which would be the first time...since I was in the womb...that I missed it. Its bad enough that I won't see my uncle Wayne and Aunt Joan at Christmas. But just my mother and I? Can you say incredibly boring and depressing. Not that we don't love each other and get along really well, but, not being there would make me so sad. I'm praying that the snow clears up so we can leave tomorrow as planned. My hopes aren't up. I've found that when you don't get high hopes, its harder to be disappointed. Sounds sad, doesn't it?
So, here's the most current update on my final grades.
Eartraining 1 -- B-
Private Voice -- A-
Writ 101 -- A-

So far so good, right? Well at least those grades might make up for the awful one I'm sure to get in Chemistry. I'm so glad that almost every class I'm taking next semester is going to be with Angela and Michelle, because I know that they'll keep me on track if nothing else. Thank God. I'm not looking forward to Intro to Psych. Or PE for that matter. I just--you know, I like to learn, but I hate the process of school, I really do. It seriously sucks. Tests and homework aren't always a good measurement of what you've learned from a course. But that's how life is, isn't it?
Well, I'm tired, so I'm going to go back to doing absolutely nothing! Mostly, I'm role-playing with a friend, messing around on Gaia and downloading randomness from youtube. Aren't I amazing.
Well, I'll talk to again soon, I imagine

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