Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Day Before My Finals

So, let me tell you about all the work that I have done today. Around ten, I got up. Then I checked my email, and watched a little Marmalade Boy (an anime) before talking to my friend, and future roommate, Angela, on yahoo messenger. Then we met on zOMG and did a quest together, which was terrifying and fun at the same time. We ate lunch with Michelle, what's-his-name, Melissa, and Julia. Most of them had finals at one so I came back and wrote my b.s. paper for Prison Writings. I proceeded to goof off for the rest of the day.
So...Am I prepared for my Fundies test tomorrow, or my ear training appointment right after it? Well, not as well as I could be, but who cares, right? I am the ultimate blow off girl. So, tomorrow, I will be studying my ass off for the chem final that I should have studied for over the entire weekend, but didn't and now I'm probably screwed completely in that class.
What's my new year's resolution? Commit to the extremely expensive college classes you're paying for. And I already told Angie she could hold me to that. She has plans to throw pillows. But, I figured before I delved in completely to the studying aspect of life, I would write a blog about how completely screwed I'm about to be in pretty much all of my classes.
Fundies--probable A
Chem-- a C at best
Eartraining--C at best
Prison Writing --completely reliable A. go English classes, I kick their asses.

So, I'll tell you, the world that doesn't read this blog, how it goes and how the academic life of Lizzie Arlen fails. As usual. I really thought after High School that I'd be able to get over this crap-life my grades have. Plus I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'm not writing too much more. I'm very tired. I watched two movies tonight, and they were both good. The first one made me sob, the second one didn't, which is kind of odd, being as I cry. A lot. It's in my nature. A friend of mine once theorized that because I'm an introvert and I internalize my feelings instead of talking about them, that I cry during movies because it's a safe outlet. Yeah. My friends psychoanalyse me all the time. Isn't it great? I actually find it kind of interesting. Well, like I said, I'm tired and I still have studying to do tonight, so I'm going to end this here and I'll most likely talk to you on Wednesday night or Thursday morning and I'll tell you how every thing went.
This is Lizzie Arlen, feeling completely doomed.

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