Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cram Time

Well, it's Christmas time, the season of giving. So I have my fundies final this morning, and it went ok. I had my Eartraining individual appointment, which I got a 76 % on (yikes!) however, I got a 90 on the final, so I should be okay. On the downside, even though I remembered to write my paper, I didn't print it and turn it in today, so I'm going to do that tomorrow morning. Angela said that she'd let me use her printing credits, since she never uses them anyway.
This is the last fun thing I get to do before I break down and actually study. I have not studied at all for my Chem final and our Professor told us it would take 10 hours to study for. Now...technically I do have that kind of time if I don't sleep, but I don't think I can skip that, though I can try...Yikes. Nope. I'll study all that I can. Then on top of that, I think people are having sex above my room and I think the girl next door to me is playing African tribal music. I really don't know, there's just a lot of drum pounding, I can only guess. Mmmhmm. Yes, sounds like sex, definitely. It's going to be an interesting night.
So. I was eating lunch with Angela, Julia, Kevin, Melissa, Michelle and Ashley (wow, I have friends, how strange). And Julia says, "Who wants to go Christmas shopping with me?" Well, Angela said she was going and I'm like, "Anything to get me out of studying." So I went with her, Michelle, Melissa and Angela to the Tacoma mall. Now, I really only have 15 bucks, so I have no idea what to get anyone with that. And then these people that I don't really know that well start asking me what I want. And I wasn't exactly planning on getting them more than a mug and some candy, which would be fine, I'm told. But now, I'm going to try and buy some nicer-ish gifts. Nothing too expensive, but something that they would like. Note to self: Melissa doesn't like chocolate, Angela is taken care of, and Michelle would like some Abba something or other. She told me this Italian CD group-thingamagig, but I really don't remember the name. I try so hard.
But I'm really happy because Michelle got me the twisty crayons (Hello Kitty twisty crayons) and a Froggy (from Hello Kitty, no I don't know his name...) note-paddy thing. I love Oki-Doki. Best. Place. Ever.
So now, I am off to my doom. I'm going to study my midterms, do my practice problems, take a twenty minute break after every hour (full hour). Blah! I hate finals. Next semester, I definitely need to be more prepared. Plus, I can't really stop thinking about Ben. Michelle thinks I should just go up to him and ask him out, but I'm too shy for that. I'm not a brave girl and I don't even know if he likes me or not. I like him. Sigh. Weird. I never thought I'd say I would like Ben so much, but you never know. Maybe I'm just insane. (You could be right, I may be crazy, But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for, turn out the lights....Sorry. Billy Joel music freak.)
Ok. This may be the last you hear of a sane Lizzie. The Lizzie that lived before her mother shot her for not getting a job and failing Chemistry. It was nice knowing you. I'll write if I survive.
Doomed for sure,
Lizzie Arlen

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